


2C-B is a Psychedelic that is Very Similar to LSD but the Trip Lasts About Half the Time (It Lasts Around 3-5 Hours vs. LSD that Lasts Around 8-10 Hours).  Synthesized by the Famous Alexander Shulgin in 1974 (The Same Scientist Who Created MDMA). 1 Hit = 0.025 Grams (25mg), 4 Hits = 0.1 Gram (100mg), 20 Hits = 0.5 Grams (500mg), 40 Hits = 1 Gram. 1-2 Hits is All Someone Needs Unless You’re Experienced. Take with Caution! A Little Goes a Long Way

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0.025 Grams, 0.1 Gram, 0.5 Grams, 1 Gram

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